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Beyond Goals Intensive Feb 2024

Make time to make the most of life, online on Feb 10th or 11th

tickets sold out!

Keep reading to learn more about the workshop and how to find out about future events...

How are things going in your life? What do you want to do, create, live into, become? Where do you get stuck?

Maybe you have a clear vision when you slow down to feel it, but you can't keep it in view day to day. Maybe you have way too many exciting possibilities and are torn about how to choose. Maybe you feel aimless and adrift, surrounded by obligations that bore or frustrate you.

Whatever challenges you face, creating a vibrant and satisfying life can be hard, and it's easy to get discouraged. To live intentionally requires us to return again and again to what matters most, and redesign how we choose to spend our time. We can develop the capacity to orient to each day with a clarity and confidence.

Since it's really easy to get lost in the bustle of the various expectations people have on us, it can help to block out some time to look at the big picture and reflect deeply. And it can also help to have someone to talk to when you get stuck or confused or overwhelmed.

The Beyond Goals Intensive is an online workshop that guides you through a personal trajectory to orient towards your aim, with a combination of plans & creative improvisation. It helps you get clear on what's important to you—your goals and values—so that you can stay focused on what matters, whatever may come.

What we can help you with:

  • Getting clarity on what matters in your life
  • Identifying and choosing possible approaches you can take to live towards what you desire
  • Finding systems to support your day to day
  • Identifying and addressing blocks that get in the way of your flow
  • Integrating your vision into the larger context of your life

The Intensive is one 5-hour event that includes pre-workshop exercises so that you arrive ready to hit the ground running. During the event, we have a choose-your-own-adventure workbook plus personal coaching to guide you. Afterwards, there's a practice group that meets weekly so you can continue learning with peers throughout the year. It's the best of both worlds in terms of self-paced and cohort-based learning.

Choose from these sessions:

Times shown are in your timezone: {[{tzName}]} ({[{displayTimezone}]})


Session {[{session.number}]}


Goals are powerful

It's exciting, empowering, and sometimes a bit scary, to realize that you can do whatever you want (with the caveat that you have to deal with the consequences of doing it). That you can choose to take on a creative project just because you want it to exist, or learn a new skill because you want to master it. That you can work hard for your own aims, not just others'. And having clarity about what you're doing (and what you're not doing) is part of how big things happen.

Scientific literature broadly agrees that goals have (at least) four important effects[1]:

  1. Goals direct attention toward goal-relevant activities and vice versa
  2. Goals energize you to work harder
  3. Goals challenge you to persist longer
  4. Goals cause you to become more strategic

Some people (notably Dilbert creator Scott Adams) have claimed that instead of goals, you should have "systems". Nonsense. Have both.

And in fact everyone already does have both goals and systems. Any rough sense you have of what you'd like to happen, on any timescale, is a goal. And whatever you do to keep track of your intentions and organize your time and money and energy, is a system. But you may not have a good view of what yours look like, and it makes a huge difference to have some clarity, design, and iterating.

Goals aren't enough

There's more to life than checking off boxes—even if the boxes are really big and they're ones you chose yourself. You're not a robot to program. Being fixated on achieving things, at the expense of your health, or your values, or even just the quiet ecstatic pleasure of being present each moment while you're doing whatever you're doing... is a limited way of living.

We've been running these life-orienting workshops for 7 years, and we've watched hundreds of people get profoundly empowered by goal-setting and also run up against limitations with it. We've realized that a lot of the places that people get stuck on the way to what matters to them aren't about planning or executing, but about emotions or their relationship to themselves and others.

But it's still really powerful to organize around not "how can I fix my motivation?" or even "how can I heal my trauma?" but "what do I want?" The fire of that passion inspires deeper change in life, but it's not healing or fixing for its own sake (or in order to finally feel worthy or whole or able to start your life).

Thus as we're iterating on this workshop (previously called the Goal-Crafting Intensive), we're still starting with the questions of "what matters to you?" and "where do you want to go?" and then we're synthesizing everything we've learned about since, from partswork & coherence coaching to deep spiritual questions, somatic practices & relational conflict-resolution.

Isle of Man
"I was worried that the workshop would basically just be a marketing event for Intend... yet another webinar trying to upsell me. But it was totally the opposite.

The content was generally applicable, and the coaches were consistently focused on helping me with what I needed most. This workshop was truly about supporting me in defining, refining, and going for my goals"

Pay What You Want

The Intensive is offered on a PWYW basis, for the following reasons:

  • Interested people can attend even if money is tight.
  • It lets people pay what they feel the event was worth to them, meaning no buyer's remorse.
  • It incentivises us to make the event be really impactful, and gives us really tangible feedback on that front.
  • We've done it for over 5 years and it's worked great!

There will be a ${[{products.pwyw.amount/100}]} ticket price up-front, to confirm that participants are serious about the event. Then at the end of the event, when we settle up, you pay whatever you want. There's no minimum (and no maximum). Seriously—we have people put in less than $5 and people put in more than $500.

We know some people would prefer to keep their economic interactions simple though, so if you'd rather, you can go ahead and just pay a market rate of ${[{products.full.amount/100}]} up-front.

Except... registration is closed
(tickets sold out) what?

To be among the first to find out about future events like this, sign up for our newsletter (we'll also send you some of our finest intentionality advice, but it's a pretty infrequent list most of the time).

To get some immediate guidance thinking big picture about your life, check out the Intend goal-setting & review process:

    Create an Intend account  

Then come back & click here to access your Q1 review.